HBM supports Murdoch Uni FIPWA with loan X-Ray Machine
Earlier in 2024, HBM Packaging, with the support of Peco InspX (USA), were pleased to supply a Model Allegro X-Ray Inspection System on loan to the Food Technology Facility in WA, which is operated by Murdoch University, and located in regional Nambeelup at the Food Innovation Precinct Western Australia (FIPWA).
The Food Technology Facility is a project of the Food Futures CRC, with financial support from the WA State Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development. Officially opened in February 2024, the purpose-built commercial R&D facility assists agribusiness SMEs to become market and export ready by supporting them with scale up initiatives and allowing them to use the facility for product development and manufacturing.
The Shield Allegro X-Ray system is a top down inspection unit with built-in product conveyor, designed to detect foreign materials in flat packages including trays, pouches and cartons.
Detectable contaminants include bones, stones, metal, glass, rubber and dense plastic.
Other X-Ray technologies available from Peco InspX are side beam inspection systems for bottles/cans/jars, empty glass container inspection systems (EGX), fill level monitors and vacuum detectors.